CATER WAREHOUSE delivers to registered customers within certain specified delivery areas.
Please arrange that you or your authorised representative, who is a responsible person, is available to accept your purchases at the delivery address and that appropriate access will be made available.

Delivery Confirmation
Place an order before 09:00 for the same day delivery on stock availability.
CATER WAREHOUSE will indicate its acceptance of your order via email and once payment is received we will deliver to your premises.

Store Pick-up/ Collection
You may place an order online and then collect it from our warehouse. 329 Steve Biko Road, Capital Park, Pretoria, 0084.
Collections are from 09:00 – 16:00.
Please ensure that the person you have named to pick-up the order presents one of the following forms of identification:

  • South African ID; or
  • South African driver’s licence; or
  • Passport
  • Copy of order